You couldn’t kill me if you tried for a hundred years.
It’s still a bit wild to me that I made this costume when I did. Lagertha absolutely hooked me, and this was totally above my skill level, but I’m so proud of it. This really ignited my love of researching and accuracy, as well as working with leather. Terranous also absolutely nailed the shield, it breaks into two parts for easy transport! We also did this water shoot well before the final season aired, and yet it’s eerily similar to some of the final shots.
The chainmail was a shirt that I modified, was not quite crazy enough to weave it all myself. Doing the patterns on this armour was so therapeutic, I love how it all came together. It didn’t survive being dunked into the pool particularly well as it was salt water, despite cleaning after, but I wouldn’t do anything different, I’m so happy with the shots!
Shield: Terranous Cosplay Photographer: Sean Pualic
Shield: Terranous Cosplay Photographer: Sean Pualic
Photographer: Underwater Fiend
Photographer: Underwater Fiend
Photographer: Underwater Fiend
Photographer: Underwater Fiend
Photographer: Underwater Fiend
Photographer: Underwater Fiend
Photographer: Underwater Fiend